Gather, Play, Get Outside.
The vision for So-Hi (South of Highway 7) Community Park was born when members at Excelsior United Methodist Church noticed their parking lot was frequently used by neighbors as a community gathering and play space. This realized a felt need in the area and created an idea to build a more functional spot for the community -- all ages -- can come together.
Surrounded by high density housing and no safely accessible public parks, EUMC, together with the city of Excelsior, has designated space on their property for a Community Park, where all are welcome!
So-Hi Community Park's purpose is to provide a safe and ADA accessible space for the neighborhood to gather, play and get outside.
And we need your help as we raise funds to make the So-Hi Community Park a reality for our neighbors.

Your dedication to building a community park supports all the kids in Excelsior by carving out a pedestrian friendly outdoor space for kids and families to enjoy.

Many hands are needed to build the vision of an accessible playground structure and welcoming space to gather. Please contact us to get involved!

So-Hi Community Park's first priority is to break ground on a safe, accessible play structure for ages
2-12 in Fall 2023.